Mr Schumm’s Blog

Well, I’m still walking but I will never be able to listen to the Hairspray soundtrack ever again! Come to think of it Britney Spears ‘Hit me baby one more time’ has taken on a whole new meaning for me along with Yetis and ballerinas with very long arms. What a night! St Stephen’s at its finest – our tremendous school community pulling together and celebrating the hidden talents amongst the parent body and staff. As I looked around the hall, it’s hard not to feel a tad emotional at all the love in the room (I know – I’m tired bear with me) with Through God we Achieve emblazoned across the wall, parents putting their fear behind them and taking to the stage to raise money for our school. With that in mind, it may be worth one final cheeky sponsor so here’s the link we are over £4,000 now could we make £5,000? Let’s try!

This week, Miss Hall’s Year 2 class took to the stage for their wonderful class assembly. Miss Hall and the class worked with a stage, lighting and sound system, at the last moment, and it didn’t faze them one bit! Their assembly was all about celebrating our differences. With the words of Oscar Wilde, ‘Be yourself; everyone else is taken’, lighting up the room their exuberance knew no bounds! We even had The Proclaimers song ‘Were on our Way’ complete with Makaton signing. The class were fantastic and a treat to behold.

With the sounds of the cabaret evening dimming in our ears it is now time to turn ourselves to the next extravaganza – Country Cultures evening and this will prove to be a night to remember! This year we are setting our compass to Eastern Europe and its surrounding neighbours for an evening of …. But wait they can tell it way better than me.

‘Here comes the highly acclaimed and long awaited Eastern European Country Cultures Night 2020!
We invite you to join us to travel together to the East End of Europe and celebrate the places we are all from.
There will be a bouquet of flavours – delicious food you can’t even pronounce…
There will be drinks (very many) some of which you’ve never heard of… some of strange appearance, many of doubtless strength!
Traditional vodka tasting will only be recommended to the fearless and brave.
You will be wonderfully entertained by excellent musicians and dancers, who certainly are going to make us want to join them…the question is will you?
You will be amazed, surprised, entertained and thoroughly fed. What more can you ask?
Enjoy the food, embrace the music!
Come along and see the unseen, hear the unheard!
Entry is free (donations at the door are more than welcome) and food will be £5 a dish.
We would love to share this adventure with you!

Thursday 27th Feb at 7:30pm in the Main Hall
Doors open at 7:00pm


Fearless vodka tasting – I can’t wait!

Design and Technology day was all about bridges and the whole school has gone bridge mad! But don’t just take my word, check out the News and Events section on the website for more details.

Year 4 are enjoying their final day at Woodrow House having spent the last three days engaged in outdoor pursuits. I’m sure Miss Marchant and Mrs Jeffrey will tell us more, after half term, when they have had chance to wash the mud out of their clothes and hair, but I can say they have had a marvellous time and created memories that will stay with the children for a lifetime.

I hope you have a restful half term. We are off to Middlesbrough tomorrow to visit my Dad for a few days. Max and Joe are going up on the train in time to go with Grampy to watch Middlesbrough v Luton! Whereas Rachel and I will enjoy a peaceful few hours in the car without stock phrases such as ‘turn that down you’ve got headphones in so we shouldn’t be able to hear it’ or ‘no we are not stopping for KFC’ or ‘and we don’t want to walk around Middlesbrough looking at places where you have lived, Dad’ – ahhhh the joys of teenage boys!