
At St Stephen’s Spanish is taught to all children as part of the normal school curriculum. The learning of a modern foreign language is a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for the pupils. Pupils develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundations for future language learning. They develop linguistic competence, extend their knowledge of how language works and explore differences and similarities between Spanish and English. Learning another language raises awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world in which we live therefore allowing a liberation from insularity. It also serves to introduce an international dimension to pupils’ learning, giving them an insight into their own culture and those of others.

Y1, Y2: Lessons consist of 45 minute Spanish lessons once a week.  Lessons are practical and include songs, games, stories and the use of puppets. The scheme of work has been created by the Modern Foreign Language (MFL) teacher.

Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6: Hourly lessons once a week. A mixture of oral, written, listening and reading skills are used.  Lessons are a combination of practical and written activities. They consist of the MFL teacher’s planning, supported by authentic resources. The children have a Spanish exercise book which they will use to complete written activities and record memories of speaking and listening tasks.


Enrichment opportunities

As well as weekly Spanish lessons, children in KS1 can also participate in a Spanish after school club. We also hold an annual Hispanic Day, which gives children, parents, and staff the opportunity to experience the culture and customs of Spanish-speaking countries. Children regularly learn and perform Spanish songs in assembly and in church. The modern foreign languages curriculum is also complemented by school trips both in London and further afield. These include trips to current art exhibitions by Hispanic artists, Spanish film workshops at the BFI (British Film Institute) and a one week school residential trip to Puerto Santa Maria, Andalucía in Year 6.

Slideshow of Y6 Trip to Spain 2022

Languages Policy

National Curriculum – Languages

Curriculum map for Spanish 2023-2024

Spanish Vocabulary Challenges Y5& Y6

Y5 & Y6 are set half a half termly Spanish vocabulary test where they are challenged with learning how to say and spell a list of words relating to a topic. This enables children to practice building a rich vocabulary bank in the target language as well as preparing them for the demands of language learning at secondary school.




Half Termly Knowledge Pages

Summer 2 2024

Click on the relevant Year group page to see what Spanish topics and vocabulary we will be learning about this term….


Year 3 Spanish Knowledge Page Y3- el mercado

Year 4 Spanish Knowledge Page Y4- Los planetas

Year 5  Spanish Knowldge Page Y5- Arcimboldo

Year 6 Spanish Knowledge PageY6-superheros

A little snapshot of our learning across the whole school: Our Learning in Spanish


Our Spanish Christmas Song:

Mi burrito Sabanero Song





Enrichment News

Hispanic Day 2023 Newsletter

iUn día maravilloso para todos! Hispanic day 2023 kicked off with the usual style with Mr Schumm greeting the children in a true Hispanic fashion! We then enjoyed a wonderful Collective Worship by our Peruvian folk dancers. The children then sang Somos como las flores setting off to their various activities inspired by the Hispanic world. This year the learning focus was Hispanic festivals from around the world.

Reception and Nursery sported the colours of the Colombian flag. They then learnt about Festival del Burro (a donkey festival) celebrated in San Antero – Cordoba in Colombia.They enjoyed making donkey ears and faces for a donkey parade. Thank you to Archie, Harry and Amelie’s mum for coming in and sharing some Spanish stories with the children.

Year 1 learnt about Spain and focused on La Tomatina (tomato festival) celebrated in Buñol near to Valencia in Spain. They created tomato sculptures and still lives as well as re-enacting La Tomatina by throwing red tissue! Thank you to Antoine’s mum for coming in and teaching the children a Spanish animal game.

Year 2 explored the famous Aztec festival of Dia de los muertos in Mexico. They produced Day of the Dead fact sheets and created paper plate faces in the style of Frida Kahlo. They also tasted guacamole! Thank you to Anabel’s mum for reading a Spanish story to the children.


Year 3 sported yellow, blue and red in the colours of the Ecuadorian flag They learnt facts about the Ecuadorian festival Inti Raymi (sun festival). They went on to create sun festival hats and creative maps of the Galapagos. Thank you to Cecelia’s dad for reading The Gruffalo in Spanish and to Lil’s mum and nanny for reading Galapagos Girl in Spanish.

Year 4 arrived to school dressed in the colours of the Argentine flag. They immersed themselves in tango learning about the world famous Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango (Tango festival) celebrated in Buenos Aires annually. They created decorative tango shoes. Thank you to Julia’s mum for reading Selvaje to the children. What a treat!


Year 5 researched facts about their class country, Cuba. They learnt all about the Cuban Fiesta del Fuego (fire festival). They then had a visit from Ella’s dad who taught them key Spanish words for making a South American sweet ‘Alfajores de Maicena’. They then went on to prepare the delicious treats. Que deliciosa!

Year 6 enjoyed Hispanic culture from a Bolivian perspective. They found out about the festival Tinku (fighting festival) and they prepared some head dresses for their own Tinku festival. They then had a Tinku martial arts lesson. Thank you to Filipa’s family friend from Venezuela who came in to present to the children.

We are very grateful to all of our Spanish speaking St Stephen’s community who volunteered to read, present, sing and organise art activities with the children. It was great to hear our school language spoken by so many. Click on the above link to see some more of the day’s highlights.