Arts Day 2024

We had another wonderful Arts Day this year! This year the theme was ‘Recycled Art’.

The children all got stuck in creating fantastic artwork using recycled materials. From collage, to sculpture, to decoupage- have a look at what we’ve been up to…



Kite Studios Visits to Key Stage 2 

All of the classes in Key Stage 2 had a fantastic visit from Auriol at Kite Studios.

Using recycled tetra packets, the children produced their own prints of fish.


In Reception the children used egg boxes to create a coral reef. Each child decorated a sea creature made from a cereal box and we attached them to the coral. The children also made octopuses and squids using toilet rolls, ribbon and wrapping paper.

Year 1

In Year 1, the children created houses inspired by Hunterdwasser. They also created collages using recycled materials of sea creatures. Finally, they worked with Miss Quartermaine to block print on tote bags!

Year 2

In Year 2 the children created tote bags with the help of Pigment Press, a local printmakers based at Shepherd’s Bush Market. Year 2 also focused on making, first, a sea collage followed by a plastic bottle fish.

Year 3

In Year 3 the children created collages using a range of recycled materials. They also did some decoupage on recycled objects giving them new life!

Year 4

As is usually the case in 4 Rosen, art-related activities were largely led by the wonderful Miss Amy. Her activities included making mixed-media collage posters using a range of recycled materials, as well as a year group poster inspired by Hokusai’s ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’.

We were also fortunate enough to be visited by several class parents, including Taran and Nicola (as well as Nicola’s mother, Carol). Nicola, a former art teacher, led a fantastic session where children created Matisse-inspired compositions using wallpaper samples and magazine clippings.

Year 5

As part of Art’s Day, Year 5 were joined by Alex Williams (Miffy’s dad) who is a highly-experienced animator. The children had to create the basis of their own animation and then draw and design their characters. The children were also told about this competition: They could even use their learning from today as the basis for their entry.


Following this year’s Art’s Day theme: found objects, we took inspiration from Jane Perkins and used found objects to replicate Vincent Van Gough’s Sunflowers. The children used the objects to add depth, dimension, shape and colour.

Year 6

In Year 6, the children have been exploring the theme of under the sea! They started by creating fish sculptures using recycled wire. They have also created a huge under the sea watercolour with each child producing 1/60th of the artwork. Finally, they have made collages using recycled materials.