A Friday Night Round up from Mr Schumm

Good afternoon,


Here we are steaming through January just waiting for those lighter evenings, which are lurking around the corner!


A final Happy New Year if I have missed you! We have a fun packed educational year ahead of us filled with all the delights that St Stephen’s can offer.


Next week, on Tuesday, we welcome Ben Cantelon, a parent to two children at St Stephen’s and a Christian musician who will lead us in a spot of contemporary Christian worship – very exciting!


Every Monday Mr Perry chooses a Bible verse for the week, which is placed on the board in the hall and I thought I would share this week’s verse Proverbs 17 vs 22 ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.’ So, as we plough through January let’s keep those hearts cheerful!


Year 1 at BBC Park

On Monday, Year 1 enjoyed another trip to the BBC Park- this time to spot the signs of winter! The children spent time trying to identify different signs of winter like frost and ice, and they even found some pine cones. The children also identified deciduous and evergreen trees! As always, thank you to the parent volunteers who joined us for our chilly trip to the park.


Year 2 and 5 and the Fire Brigade!

Today, Year 2 and 5 were joined by a firefighter from the London Fire Brigade to discuss the importance of fire safety. He discussed the importance of smoke alarms and testing them once every month with our grown-ups. We also learnt about how a fire can start: candles, electrical equipment like cookers and cigarettes. We spent time discussing how we can reduce the risk of a fire for example, by not leaving electrical equipment on when no one is around.

Next FOSS Outreach Talks:


Tuesday, 21 January: Let’s Talk Secondary Schools 6:30pm doors open, 7pm talk begins


Mr Schumm will first provide us with an overview of which schools our children tend to get into and the key next steps we should start thinking about. Then we will hear directly from our parent panel who have children at secondary schools, sharing their personal experiences and giving invaluable advice.


Monday, 27 January: Let’s Talk Further on Neurodiversity and school support systems- 6:30pm doors open, 7pm talk begins


To start us off, Mr Schumm and Mrs Bouwman, our Senior Mental Health Lead, will give a presentation about our school’s resources and how they are supporting our school community. Then we will be hosting group discussions focused on the topics voted as most important to you.


We are also incredibly grateful that while those group discussions are going on, Ms Theresa Kyeyune our School Counsellor and Miss Tami our school’s Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) will be offering parents a 10 minute ‘drop-in sessions’ between 7:30-8:30pm in private rooms,  to help answer any of your questions or concerns relating to mental health and therapeutic support.


To sign up for a 10 minute drop in session with Ms Theresa (mental health), please sign up here.


To sign up for a 10 minute drop in session with Miss Tami (emotional literacy), please sign up here.



Any issues with the forms, simply email fossparentoutreach@gmail.com and your preferred time.


Book on ParentMail today to reserve your seat!


Have a lovely weekend. I will be digging out my old toys to share with Year 1 next week.


Mr Schumm