Ofsted and Religious Education Inspection

Please read our reports below:


Ofsted in November 2023 stated;

This school is one big happy family. School leaders and staff work closely with parents and carers. Together, they strive to ensure that every pupil can thrive. Pupils said that they love the way teachers make their lessons so interesting and engaging. They thoroughly enjoy participating in the wealth of extra-curricular activities and performance opportunities on offer. Everyone is included. Staff’s passion and joy are infectious. Pupils do not want to miss out. Consequently, attendance is consistently very high.

SIAMS in April 2023 stated;

The school’s deeply embedded Christian vision is driving distinctiveness and making a tangible
difference to provision and practice. It has a transformative impact on the lives of pupils and
Pupils at St Stephen’s are confident, articulate humanitarians who care deeply about their
community and the wider world. They show this in the way they pray, raise funds and actively
support good causes.