
School Lunch

Our school lunches are delicious and freshly prepared on site by our dedicated team of kitchen staff. There is a wide variety of food available everyday and plenty of opportunities to try fresh fruits and vegetables.

Our Nursery class enjoy their meals in the classroom where they are assisted by the Nursery staff and supported in trying a wide range of new foods. From Reception to Year 6 children eat in the school hall which is set up beautifully, ready to welcome the children at lunch time.

We had a super ‘meet Jessie evening’  with lots of delicious food to sample and even some to take away! Thank you to all those parents who joined us.

Jessie spoke really passionately about her vision for school lunches and the environment . I have enclosed a copy of her PowerPoint. We had a really useful Q&A session, which gave parents an opportunity to put forward their thoughts/ ideas and for us to explain in more detail the rationale behind procedures at lunch time and new ideas we would like to introduce.

‘Meet Jessie’ Powerpoint

We had a couple of parents with us who are chefs and we have asked them to be involved in supporting us with menu ideas and recipes, which will be amazing.

A reminder that parents are really welcome to join the children for lunch on Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays – all you have to do is book through the school and I will show you to your table!

Jessie is keen to reach out to as many parents/ carers as possible so here is her email and feel free to email with any ideas, queries about allergies or just to chat about your wonderful children.

To pay for your school lunches online with Parent Mail, please click on the button below:

Parent Mail

School Menu Summer 2024

Free School Meals

Free school meals and school clothing grants are available to families who receive certain benefits, this entitles students to a free school lunch and money to contribute towards school uniforms.

Visit the link below for further information and to apply.

Student benefits and grants | LBHF