We believe prayer is important in our life at St Stephens. We appreciate and love that the parents of St Stephens have a prayer group that meets to pray for us and our life at school. As Christians we are taught to pray for each other and that is not just reserved for adults. As outlined in the RE section of the website each your group have adopted a spiritual name that helps give those children a focus. These gifts are joy, love, faith, wisdom, trust, peace and hope. Our prayers reflect these words, so important to us as British citizens and our life in a church school.
Our parents and carers prayer group meets every Friday morning (no matter the weather) at the front of the school by the main blue doors between 9 and 9:30am. Everyone is welcome!
The children have a prayer group that meet once a fortnight to pray for our school and the needs of those within. During our meetings we look at new ways in which to express our thanks to God, pray for our school and support each other. The children enjoy expressing their thoughts in group discussions, through art work and in times of quiet reflection. The children bring prayer needs – often linked to their class spiritual word- to intercede and give thanks on our behalf and that of the wider world. These prayers are often expressed during our seasonal church services (such as Ash Wednesday and Advent) and are updated termly on our prayer board in school. They are encouraged to bring prayer requests from individual children in their class and to particularly focus on elements linked to their spiritual class gift such as praying for ‘peace’ in the world or to give thanks for that which we ‘love’.
If you have a prayer request why don’t you ask your child to bring it to their class prayer group representative? We would love to pray for you.