At St Stephen’s Design and Technology is an opportunity to inspire the children to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle. We want the children to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling and testing. The children are given the opportunity and guidance to become reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others. Communication is central to design practice, through Design and Technology the children develop their communication skills within a team and independently through explanation and demonstration.
We are currently investing in a range of new equipment to ensure that our KS2 children experience a wide range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks in preparation for KS3.
Each half term every class, Year 1 to Year 6, dedicate an entire day minimum to Design and Technology. During this day the children respond to design briefs and scenarios that require consideration of the needs of others, developing their skills in six key areas:
- Mechanisms
- Structures
- Textiles
- Cooking and nutrition (Food)
- Electrical systems (KS2) and
- Digital world (KS2)
Each of our key areas follows the design process (design, make and evaluate) and has a particular theme and focus from the technical knowledge or cooking and nutrition section of the curriculum.
We aim to inspire children to become resourceful, enterprising citizens who will have the skills to contribute future architectural and design advancements.