
At St Stephen’s Spanish is taught to all children as part of the normal school curriculum. The learning of a modern foreign language is a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for the pupils. Pupils develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundations for future language learning. They develop linguistic competence, extend their knowledge of how language works and explore differences and similarities between Spanish and English. Learning another language raises awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world in which we live therefore allowing a liberation from insularity. It also serves to introduce an international dimension to pupils’ learning, giving them an insight into their own culture and those of others.

Y1, Y2: Lessons consist of 45 minute Spanish lessons once a week.  Lessons are practical and include songs, games, stories and the use of puppets. The scheme of work has been created by the Modern Foreign Language (MFL) teacher.

Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6: Hourly lessons once a week. A mixture of oral, written, listening and reading skills are used.  Lessons are a combination of practical and written activities. They consist of the MFL teacher’s planning, supported by authentic resources. The children have a Spanish exercise book which they will use to complete written activities and record memories of speaking and listening tasks.


Enrichment opportunities

As well as weekly Spanish lessons, children in KS1 can also participate in a Spanish after school club. We also hold an annual Hispanic Day, which gives children, parents, and staff the opportunity to experience the culture and customs of Spanish-speaking countries. Children regularly learn and perform Spanish songs in assembly and in church. The modern foreign languages curriculum is also complemented by school trips both in London and further afield. These include trips to current art exhibitions by Hispanic artists, Spanish film workshops at the BFI (British Film Institute) and a one week school residential trip to Puerto Santa Maria, Andalucía in Year 6.

Slideshow of Y6 Trip to Spain 2022

Languages Policy

National Curriculum – Languages

Curriculum map for Spanish 2024-2025

Spanish Vocabulary Challenges Y5& Y6

Y5 & Y6 are set half a half termly Spanish vocabulary test where they are challenged with learning how to say and spell a list of words relating to a topic. This enables children to practice building a rich vocabulary bank in the target language as well as preparing them for the demands of language learning at secondary school.




Half Termly Knowledge Pages

Autumn 2 2024

Click on the relevant Year group page to see what Spanish topics and vocabulary we will be learning about this term….


Year 3 Spanish Knowledge Page Y3- la paga 

Year 4 Spanish Knowledge Page Y4- San Fermin

Year 5 Spanish Knowledge Page Y5- Mexico Part 1

Year 6 Spanish Knowledge PageY6- Peru Geografia

A little snapshot of our learning across the whole school: Our Learning in Spanish

Our Spanish Christmas Song:

Mi burrito Sabanero Song





Enrichment News

Hispanic Day 2024 Newsletter

Slideshow… =

iUn día maravilloso para todos! Hispanic day 2024 kicked off with the usual style with Mr Schumm greeting the children in a true Hispanic fashion! We then enjoyed a wonderful Collective Worship by our team of flamenco singers, dancers and musicians. The children then sang What a Wonderful World in Spanish setting off to their various activities inspired natural environments of  the Hispanic world. Each class enjoyed took art in a percussion, singing, clapping or dance workshop culminating in a whole school performance at the end of the day. Here is what each class learnt about……

Reception and Nursery sported the colours of the Spanish flag. They then learnt about Tabernas Desert and they created beautiful desert birds (‘bee eaters’) with oil pastels, Algerian hedgehogs and wired desert lizards!

Year 1 learnt about Mexico. They painted watercolour dahlias (Mexico’s national flower) as well as playdough sombreros, flower headdresses and beautiful eagles (represented on Mexico’s flag) from cardboard tubes!


Year 2 explored Costa Rica using Google earth. They created oil pastel pictures inspired by the nature and wildlife of Costa Rica and they danced to Shakira! Thank you to Soflick’s mum for reading a Spanish story.

Year 3 sported yellow, blue and red in the colours of the Ecuadorian flag They read Galapagos Girl and they created giant tortoise pictures. They also enjoyed a nature program about the Galapagos islands by Sir David Attenborough. Thank you to Annabel’s mum for volunteering to come in!

Year 4 arrived to school dressed in the colours of the Argentine flag. Firstly, they were treated to a presentation and quiz about Argentina by Lily’s mum. Theo’s mum also came in to speak about Patagonia. Thank you Theo for creating your presentation too! Y4 also created Macaw art and they wrote Haiku’s about the wildlife of Argentina.

Year 5 learnt about Colombia. Julia’s mum came in and read a poem in Spanish. Following this, the children created marbled dart frogs using felt tin and tinfoil. Mrs Pereira came in to speak about her recent trip to Colombia and her exciting/terrifying experience on horseback in the rainforest!

Year 6 enjoyed Hispanic culture from a Chilian perspective. They learnt about the Atacama Desert. They used this as inspiration for their Christmas card design for this year. On sale soon! Ella’s dad and Dom’s mum paid a visit, and Miss Stefania came in to speak about schools in Chile and as if that was not enough Mr Schumm Jr (Ben) zoomed in from Chile for a Q&A!

We are very grateful to all of our Spanish speaking St Stephen’s community who volunteered to read, present, sing and organise art activities with the children. It was great to hear our school language spoken by so many. Click on the above link to see some more of the day’s highlights.