The School Production 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

School Production 2024

This year’s school production of ‘Revolting Children’, loosely (so loosely you may need to loosen your belt, even further, after eating that cake Bogtrotter!) based on ‘Matilda with a dash of Annie’, is rapidly approaching.

The children are required to return to school on the evenings of the 16th, 17th and 18th of July at 6pm in preparation for the 6.30pm start. There will be a morning performance at 9.30am on Wednesday 17th July.

The performances will take place in the school playground (weather permitting) – which is also perfect as the production is set in a school. There will be a lot less feather and glitter this year and a more school uniform themed costume for most!


Tickets will be on sale from Monday, 1st July @ 7pm for a contribution of £7.50 per adult and £5.00 per child. Please buy your tickets on Parentmail.

Collecting children

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will need to be collected at the interval (roughly 7.15pm) after they have appeared on stage on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Reception children will be dismissed from their playground and Year 1 and 2 from the Year 1 playground.

All other children should be collected from the main door after each performance.

A tweak to the start of the school day on Thursday and Friday

The school production is an exciting part of the school year. I realise that the children will be rather late to bed during the three evenings of the performances. We fully understand if the children are slightly late for school on the Thursday and Friday (not the Wednesday please – as we have a performance at 9.30am). However, we expect children to be in school no later than 10am.


Listed below are wardrobe requirements for our extravaganza (an extremely easy wardrobe this year but please no trainers):

Reception boys: School or dark shorts, white shirt and black plimsolls/ school shoes.

Reception girls: Have been provided with dresses and will require black plimsolls/ school shoes.

Year 1: Boys school trousers/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie. Girls school skirt/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie.

Year 2: Boys school trousers/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie. Girls school skirt/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie.

Year 3: Boys school trousers/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie. Girls school skirt/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie.

Year 4: Boys school trousers/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie. Girls school skirt/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie.

Year 5: Boys school trousers/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie. Girls school skirt/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie.

Year 6: Boys school trousers/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie. Girls school skirt/ shorts, white shirt, black shoes and school tie.

Main Characters: All children who are main characters have either been provided with a costume or have been asked to bring in certain items of clothing but please contact me if you need more information.

Costumes should be sent into the class rooms (not the school office please) from Monday, 8th July with your child’s name clearly marked on them, in order that we can see that everyone has what they need. Thank you for your help in providing costumes. Please can all costumes be in school by Friday, 12th July.

FOSS will be providing a cash bar and pizza during the interval.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me

We look forward to seeing you all there and remember ‘And when I grow up, I will eat sweets every day on the way to work and I will go to bed late every night!’ – sounds good to me!

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Schumm